Greetings Dear Ones!
These smiling faces of the children were captured right after our first church service on Saturday of last week. Now that we are growing as a family, it is difficult to get to get 21 people into our ten seat van in order to go to church on Sundays. We knew that it was time for us to come together on another day of the week for praise and worship of Jesus Christ, so in our outdoor kitchen, we held our first service. Right before we met, the clouds were dark with heavy rain and it started to come down, but we were determined to meet anyway. As we held the service, the rain stopped and the sun came out.
Miriam led songs in the local languages and also interpreted the Bible message for Kimberly as she taught.
Kimani helped out with the visuals. The message was about Abel's right heart attitude which pleased God, and Cain's wrong heart attitude which led him to take his brother Abel's life.
Kimani helped out with the visuals. The message was about Abel's right heart attitude which pleased God, and Cain's wrong heart attitude which led him to take his brother Abel's life.
The Kamaus
We recently saw a vicious bug that looked like it wanted to take over the world! I first saw it when Malaika called me over. When I came, wow it looked mean! It had sharp, spiky teeth and a red mouth. One of our cats, Natasha, was playing with it. We let it go so that it could mind his own business. I hoped our bug-eating predators [our cats] didn't eat it.
From Malaika
Kimani's Corner
We recently saw a vicious bug that looked like it wanted to take over the world! I first saw it when Malaika called me over. When I came, wow it looked mean! It had sharp, spiky teeth and a red mouth. One of our cats, Natasha, was playing with it. We let it go so that it could mind his own business. I hoped our bug-eating predators [our cats] didn't eat it.
From Kimani
Malaika’s Corner
Guess what? Last year we went to Livingstone and we saw a monkey that looked like it wanted to jump on the car. He was cute and when we went to see the other monkey, he followed us. We liked it very much, but we had to see other animals. It was nice. I was sad to leave it, but I did not cry if that is what you think.
Malaika’s Corner
Guess what? Last year we went to Livingstone and we saw a monkey that looked like it wanted to jump on the car. He was cute and when we went to see the other monkey, he followed us. We liked it very much, but we had to see other animals. It was nice. I was sad to leave it, but I did not cry if that is what you think.
From Malaika